4 Ways to Manage Stress

As we start the second quarter of the year, we might be feeling pressure from various aspects of our lives. Expectations from work, school, or ourselves can often cause stress and worry. Although feeling moments of stress is not completely avoidable, there are healthy ways to manage stress on a daily basis to help you live a more calm and balanced life:  

1. Schedule self-care into your day

Many times we feel stress because we have to operate on a timeline or schedule that was assigned to us. However, you can always take at least 30 minutes of time to be present with yourself and decompress. Have protected moments in the day that are dedicated to you and only you. Use this time however you would like, but ensure that you keep your focus on what gives you a sense of calm or joy. Life on your own terms is simply a compilation of intentional moments, and it is always to your benefit to be intentional about your wellbeing. 

2. Use a planner

Getting your tasks onto paper can make it feel less daunting and more manageable. J2J's Daily Reminders provides space for you to set out daily priorities, list out your to-dos, and jot down notes to self. It’s small enough to keep with you on the go, so you can make updates throughout the day and stay on track with your goals!

3. Avoid multitasking

We often have competing priorities that can be difficult to manage, and attempting to tackle them all at once not only causes unnecessary stress but also leaves us prone to more mistakes. Research shows that multitasking slows you down, affects your working memory, and can even lower IQ! Try to focus on one task at a time – even if it's just in 10 minute increments. 

4. Have high effort but low expectations

We put pressure on ourselves when we set perfection as the expected outcome of what we do. However, when we focus on what we are doing rather than how what we do will be perceived, we free ourselves to truly deliver on the task at hand. Perfectionism can make us procrastinate and limit the progress we make on our work, but it is only by committing to the process that we are able to yield the results that we desire. 

If you are looking for more ways to manage your stress, you can join the J2J's community to access a network of people committed to personal wellbeing, growth, and self discovery! 

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