Knowing What You Don’t Want is Progress Too

What is progress? A quick Google search will say that it is “forward or onward movement toward a destination,” but it’s important to note that movement towards something is also movement away from something else. Progress can be knowing what you no longer want to return to, and that knowledge empowers us to move towards our dreams even before we have properly defined them. 

It is incredibly beneficial to take time crafting the vision for your life so that it is truly aligned with who you are and what you value. Knowing what you do not want is critical if you want to limit your exposure to people, habits, and experiences that hold you back. That clarity is often what will inspire you to make the changes necessary to grow into a better version of yourself. 

Understanding what you do not desire out of your life requires a lot of self-awareness and introspection, and it also requires you to assess various components of your life. The following questions can help you start thinking about your present so that you can better identify what you want to avoid as you embark on the path towards a better future for yourself: 

Do the social media accounts you follow share content that positively impacts you?

It is important to filter the content you consume so that you don’t actively or passively take in information that can be detrimental to your personal growth. You should make an effort to engage in online communities that keep you closer to your values and disengage with platforms that can negatively impact your mindset in the long run. 

Are there people in your life who keep you engaging in harmful habits or conversations? 

Your ability to set boundaries is directly correlated to your success in maintaining a lifestyle aligned with your goals. It might not always be easy to articulate your boundaries, but the discomfort of standing your ground is nothing compared to the regret that comes from staying in places you know will limit you. If you need help strengthening this ability, you can read our blog post on setting healthy boundaries. 

What actions do you feel guilty for repeating?

Guilt is a complex emotion, but it can sometimes give us insight into where we might need more discipline and self-assessment in our lives. We often feel guilt when our actions clearly do not align with what we value, and it forces us to face our weaknesses and even consequences. However, it is never too late to take the initiative to eliminate those habits and put yourself on track. Though navigating guilt is often challenging, you can begin working through those feelings through journaling, and once you take that time to analyze why you may repeat actions that might not benefit you, you can be empowered to take the necessary actions to break cycles that delay your progress.  

Continue exploring more questions that will help you make progress in your self growth through the Essential Moments and Reset & Reflect journals!

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