What does your planner say about you?

It seems that collectively, we are all trying to get our lives together and have our vision become reality. The thing is, nothing changes unless we do. A planner is a tool you can use to structure your day, remember important tasks and dates, and brainstorm whatever may lie ahead of you. A planner is a tool many use to keep track of the various components of a life well lived. 

Additionally, and perhaps unexpectedly, a planner can say a lot about yourself, your attitudes, and your habits. Read on as we dissect the six things your planner may say about you.

What are you prioritizing?

If you could only get three things done in a day, what would they be? Over time, you’ll see a pattern of the things you continuously prioritize. Maybe it's a morning workout, a work task, or a home project. Do you meet these priorities? What do you think your priorities say about you?

Are you doing what you set out to do?

How are your habits? If you aren’t meeting your habit goals consistently, it could be a sign that a slower approach to changing habits is needed. Also consider, why did you want these habits in the first place? Your “why” is always going to play a key factor in your goals when it comes to habit forming. 

Are you checking in with yourself? 

Are you running around on autopilot? Ensure you take the time to check in with yourself. Even leaving a small note or reminder to smile, or roll your shoulders back, can be a small boost needed to push forward during busy days.

Are you leaving enough time for the things you love?

Productivity is great, and it's a very satisfying feeling to get things done, but do you leave time for joy or pleasure? If you are someone who struggles to make time for themselves, scheduling it may help. Time for yourself doesn’t have to be extravagant, even small pockets of time can do wonders to recoup. You likely make commitments to different people in your life - why not commit just a bit of time to renew your spirit?

Are you assigning too much to yourself?

Reminder: It’s okay to say no. Burnout often happens when we bite off more than we can chew. If you notice that you frequently feel overtired, overwhelmed, or resentful, it can be a sign you are giving yourself too many tasks to complete. This doesn’t mean you can’t aim to be a high-achiever or get a lot done, but have grace with yourself and don’t be ashamed of having limits. 

Are you giving yourself enough credit?

Do you take the time to stop and give yourself credit for what you do accomplish? So often we focus on what we didn’t get done. Giving ourselves positive reinforcement can go a long way in building a healthy relationship with ourselves. These do not have to be major accomplishments in the traditional sense, give yourself credit for setting a boundary, eating enough, or scheduling free time this week.

A Soft Structure is Needed

What we like about the Daily Reminder Planner is that its pages are undated, thus working with you. If you skip a week or even a month, you can jump right back in. 

Sometimes we lose track of time, go on a long vacation, or a major life event comes our way. When we find ourselves ready to get back to a routine, we want our productivity tools to receive us. The Daily Reminder planner is far from rigid, but it will hold you accountable. Like budgeting, allotting amounts to spend on certain areas allow you to enjoy life, and reach goals. When we structure our days, pockets of free time emerge. 

We hope you have a great week ahead

With love, J2J

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